Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church is a community of faith that has a rich tradition,
vital new ministries, and an enduring legacy of mission outreach.
The Rev. Bickford Lang, upon becoming the first pastor of Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, wrote these words as a preface to the Purpose and Charter of Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church in 1953: “Let us have a church that dares imitate the heroism of Jesus; seek inspiration as He sought it; act on the present like Him; pray as He prayed; work as He wrought; live as He lived."
In the early 1950s, a group of families living in the Fox Chapel area began to worship together at Shadyside Academy. They became some of the 339 charter members of Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, which was officially organized in October of 1953. Two months later, the chapel was built on the corner of Fox Chapel Rd. and Field Club Rd., and worship services started to be held on the site of the present church.
The church facility has grown to include a Christian Education building, a Fellowship Hall, and the Sanctuary, which was completed in 1964. In recent history, the congregation engaged in a program of mission support and extension of facilities, including new Christian Education classrooms, an Atrium, Memorial Garden and Columbarium.
For more than sixty years, the members, leaders and pastors of Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church have continued in the tradition expressed by its first pastor. Thousands of men, women, and children, past and present, have made up this particular family of faith, and the tradition of Christ-centered ministry in the Fox Chapel area has become an enduring legacy.
Click here to read about the missions and ministries that FCPC
has had a part in starting right here in Pittsburgh.